
Altonaer Rotbier

MALTY & CREAMY. White foam, ruby red color... sounds just like a beer
from Hamburg. Beer makers are said to have brewed red beer here as early as the
13th century. Our special malt mixture and aromatic saphir hops combine in perfect
harmony to pleasure the senses.

HOPS: Herkules, Tradition, Saphir

MALT: Pale Ale Malz, Melanoidinmalz, Karamellmalz

CHARACTER: malty / creamy

ALCOHOL: 5,2 % vol


COLOUR: ruby red


PERFECT PAIRINGS: BBQ rips, deer tenderloin, fruit oat pudding

INGREDIENTS: Wazer, barley malt, hops



Ratsherrn Altonaer Rotbier

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